Showing 326 - 350 of 584 Results
The Farmer's Guide To Scientific And Practical Agriculture: Detailing The Labors Of The Farm... by Stephens, Henry, John Pitki... ISBN: 9781343839229 List Price: $33.95
The Farmer's Guide To Scientific And Practical Agriculture: Detailing The Labors Of The Farm... by Stephens, Henry, John Pitki... ISBN: 9781343843592 List Price: $33.95
Six Anonoymous Plays First Series; Comprising Four Elements--the Beauty and Good Properties ... by Farmer, John Stephen ISBN: 9781154175769 List Price: $25.79
Dramatic Writings of Richard Wever and Thomas Ingelend by Farmer, John Stephen ISBN: 9781154686951 List Price: $20.00
Merry Songs and Ballads, Prior to the Year 1800 by Farmer, John Stephen ISBN: 9781148484549 List Price: $30.75
Merry Songs and Ballads, Prior to the Year 1800 by Farmer, John Stephen ISBN: 9781148730158 List Price: $29.75
Slang and Its Analogues Past and Present : Ice to Hyps by Henley, William Ernest, Far... ISBN: 9781149074367 List Price: $34.75
Two Tudor 'shrew' Plays-1, John John the Husband, Tib His Wife, and Sir John the Priest, by ... by Farmer, John Stephen, Heywo... ISBN: 9781149205815 List Price: $18.75
Impatient Poverty 1560 by Farmer, John Stephen ISBN: 9781149412343 List Price: $18.75
'Twixt Two Worlds : A narrative of the life and work of William Eglinton by Farmer, John Stephen ISBN: 9781149579473 List Price: $25.75
Six Anonymous Plays by Farmer, John Stephen ISBN: 9781150898310 List Price: $26.06
Merry songs and ballads, prior to the year A. D. 1800 by Farmer, John Stephen ISBN: 9781117376165 List Price: $21.99
National Ballad and Song. Merry songs and ballads, prior to the year A. D. 1800 by Farmer, John Stephen ISBN: 9781117568584 List Price: $21.99
National Ballad and Song. Merry Songs and Ballads, Prior to the Year A. D. 1800, Volume II by Farmer, John Stephen ISBN: 9781117606873 List Price: $21.99
Americanisms, old and new: a dictionary of words, phrases and Colloquialisms by Farmer, John Stephen ISBN: 9781117664644 List Price: $30.99
Rough Hand-list of the Tudor Facsimile Texts by Stephen, John, Farmer, John ISBN: 9781113299758 List Price: $16.99
National Ballad and Song. Merry Songs and Ballads, Prior to the Year A. D. 1800, Volume I by Stephen, John, Farmer, John ISBN: 9781113523020 List Price: $23.99
National Ballad and Song. Merry Songs and Ballads, Prior to the Year A. D. 1800, Volume I by Stephen, John, Farmer, John ISBN: 9781113523006 List Price: $21.99
Dictionary of Slang and Colloquial English : Abridged from the Seven-Volume Work, Entitled: ... by Farmer, John Stephen, Willi... ISBN: 9781340631444 List Price: $29.95
Slang and Its Analogues Past and Present : A Dictionary ... with Synonyms in English, French... by Farmer, John Stephen, Henley ISBN: 9781340636074 List Price: $27.95
Book of the Farm : Detailing the Labors of the Farmer, Steward, Plowman, Hedger, Cattle-Man,... by Stephens, Henry, John Stuar... ISBN: 9781340654535 List Price: $30.95
Slang and Its Analogues Past and Present : A Dictionary ... with Synonyms in English, French... by Farmer, John Stephen, Henley ISBN: 9781340679194 List Price: $27.95
Merry Songs and Ballads, Prior to the Year 1800 by Farmer, John Stephen ISBN: 9781340686710 List Price: $26.95
Slang and Its Analogues Past and Present : A Dictionary, Historical and Comparative of the H... by Farmer, John Stephen, Willi... ISBN: 9781340886318 List Price: $22.95
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